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Topics for May

May 30 二大政党政治はデモクラシーに非ず
      Two-party system is not democracy
May 29 原発抜きのエネルギー開発
      A less nuclear future

May 26 スマートフォンやゲームがなければ自由になれる
      Freedom comes without gadgets
May 24 信者は待ち続けた
       Christians waited in vain for the apocalypse
May 23 ウキリークスの情報に目を通していたら…
      A WiliLeaks revelation
May 21 最後の −天然痘ウイルスをどう扱うべきか−
      No rush to destroy last smallpox viruses 
May 20 ビン・ラディン暗殺は、間違いだったのか?
      He lived a hero, he died a martyr
May 18  東京電力による保証と存続問題
      The new enervated Tepco
May 17 焼き肉チェーンの食中毒事件
      Raw beef poisoning

May 30, 2011 Two-party system is not democracy
 アメリカ人の政治風刺漫画家であるTed Rall氏の記事。アメリカの二大政党政治を揶揄したコラム。その一部をご覧いただきたい。
 Don't get mad at the politicians! It's your/our fault. You/we elected them.
 Most Americans accept these aphorisms. Yet they are lies ― lies that distract us from the fact that
our political system is a farce. Really, we should get rid of this phony two-party "democracy." And we will. In the meantime, we ought to ignore it.
 The two-party system made simple:
 Two worthless scoundrels are on the ballot.
 If you vote for one of them, a worthless scoundrel will win.
 If you don't vote, a worthless scoundrel will win.
 It's a pretty unappealing sales pitch.
How did it last 200 years?

 The two-party system is a twisted con based on fear.
If you don't vote for Party A, then Party B, which is slightly more evil, will win. If "your party" wins, all you get is the dubious, incremental pseudo-victory of somewhat less suckiness. But Party A gets something infinitely more valuable: political legitimacy and the right to claim a mandate for policies that you mostly dislike. They use your vote to justify their policies:
 No jobs.
 One war after another.
 Wasting your tax dollars.
 More pollution.
 a farce 茶番
 scoundrel 悪党
 lopsided bargain 割に合わない取引
 dubious 怪しい
 incremental 徐々に増加する
 pseudo 偽りの 

May 28, 2011 A less nuclear future

 On May 14, sources at Tokyo Electric Power Co. released information that would change the course of future energy policy in Japan. They said that on the night of March 11,
high-level radiation of 300 millisieverts per hour was detected inside a containment building in the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, suggesting that the earthquake itself caused major damage to the No. 1 reactor's pressure vessel or piping ? not the unusually devastating tsunami, as the company had previously maintained.

containment building 格納容器
pressure vessel 圧力容器
belated revelation 手遅れになった公表
earth-prone country 地震多発国
anti-earthquake and tsunami prevention measures 耐震・津波対策
renewable resources 再生可能資源 
 cf.枯渇性資源 exhaustible resource
alternative energy 代替エネルギー
funding dead-end repairs 見通しの立たない修理に資金を出す
arduous 骨の折れる
collective effort 総力

May 26, 2011 Freedom comes without gadgets
 I don't have an iPad, and I have no intention of getting one. I don't have an iPhone, either. Or any kind of smartphone. In fact, I don't send or receive text messages, don't download apps, and dare I say it? I have absolutely no idea how to play "Angry Birds."(Angry Birdsというのは、ゲームをやらない私には初耳だったのだが、iPhoneなどで大ヒットしているゲームの名前らしい。)

 What these things have in common is that they have all failed a very simple test: Will this make my life better?

 What I have to show for all of my nay-saying, aside from saved time and lower electricity bills, is thousands of dollars saved every year.

 So what should I do with my "extra" money? I can do anything I want. I can take the vacation I have always dreamed of while I'm young enough to enjoy it. I can save for a rainy day. I can quit my job and pursue a career I am passionate about. I can pay off my students loans. I can buy all my friends lunch just for the hell of it. Whatever crazy ideas pop into my head don't have to languish there until they are slowly forgotten.

May 24, 2011
Christians waited in vain for the apocalypse
 アメリカでは、ある宗教団体の創設者であるHarold Camping氏の世界終末論を信じた多くのキリスト教信者たちが「その時(2011年5月21日午後6時)」の訪れを待っていたが、何も起こらなかった。
 A number of Christians across the U.S. waited in vain Saturday for the apocalypse predicted by Family Radio International founder Harold Camping.

 They spent months warning the world of the apocalypse,
some giving away earthly belongings or draining their savings accounts. And so they waited, vigilantly, on Saturday for the appointed hour to arrive.

 When 6 p.m. came and went and no extraordinary cataclysm occurred, some believers expressed confusion. Others reassured each other of their faith. Still others took it in stride.
 Many followers said the delay was a further test from God to persevere in their faith.

the apocalypse この世の終末
drain the saving account 銀行口座を空にする
give away earthly belongings 全財産の寄付
the rapture キリストとの再会
scourge 災難の元

May 23, 2011
A WikiLeaks revelation

Had bin Laden closely followed WikiLeaks' release of these documents April 25, it is unlikely he would have been there when U.S. Navy SEALs descended into his compound days after.

 In a war in which our nation's terrorist enemies hide among civilians and do not carry their arms openly, the question is not whether some unfortunate detention mistakes are made
but whether there are appropriate protections to detect errors and correct them when discovered.

May 21, 2011
No rush to destroy last smallpox viruses
 For centuries small pox killed about one-third of the people it infected, but
it was eradicated from the environment three decades ago. The last known case was in Britain in 1978.

 The United States has proposed that the last known stockpiles of the smallpox virus should be retained for at least another five years to allow for more research and prevent one of the world's deadlist diseases being used as a
biological weapon.

 The U.S. is committed to the eventual destruction of the stockpiles but fears that smallpox could still re-emerge and be released unintentionally or deliberately used as a biological weapon. Scientists would need the virus to create a vaccine.
The world has no immunity to smallpox whatsoever.

 There are now two such vaccines and a third coming along, plus experimental drugs in the works to treat but not cure the disease. With the new vaccines and drugs,
if small pox were to reappear, we could be in a much better situation than in the past, considering the vaccine supplies and strategies that have been demonstrated to work. Stamping out a smallpox outbreak would be faster than the four months it took to mostly end the 2003 global outbreak of SARS, where doctors could only isolate patients and trace suspect cases.

May 20, 2011 

 "He lived a hero, he died a martyr…if they killed one Osama, a thousand others will be born."
 これは、"We are all Osama bin Laden."というFacebookのグループから届いたメッセージだ。存命中は英雄として、そして死んだ後も殉教者として影響力を維持しているということ。専門家によると、敵の手によって殺された(because he was killed by the hands of the enemy)ために、殉教者となった。

 Capturing and trying violent leaders is probably a better marker of the end of such organizations ー the chances of such an outcome being higher when such leaders recant their views and call on their followers to lay down their arms.

(By contrast, far from causing the demise of an armed movement, the killing of a charismatic leader at the hands of his enemies can transform such a figure into a martyr. Che Guevera was far more valuable to leftist militancy after his death than he was while alive.)

al-Qaida offshoot =アルカイダの分派

May 18, 2011  

The new enervated Tepco
1 radioactive substances continue to
seep into the sea, air and soil.〜  に溶け出す
2 Residents
within a designated proximity of the plant will likely have to live away from their homes a long time. The prospect of the situation returning to nomal is nowhere in sight.
3 Although the government and Tepco, the operator of the ill-fated plant, have worked out plans to pay compensation to victims of the crisis, it appears
they are interested less in protecting people from radiation than in preserving the existing semi-monopolistic system of the power industry.
Should Tepco go bankrupt, not only would the Japanese financial market be thrown into an utter chaos, but international market would lose their trust in Japanese banking institutions to the extent that the institutions would have to pay higher interest rates to secure funds.
後半の帰結文も、not onlyが強調され、wouldが主語のthe Japanese financial marketより先に置かれた倒置文となっている。>
If Tepco should go bankrupt, the Japanese financial market would not only thrown into an utter chaos, but international market would lose their trust in Japanese banking institutions to the extent that the institutions would have to pay higher interest rates to secure funds.

May 17, 2011 焼き肉チェーンの食中毒事件
            Raw beef poisoning
1 It is believed that
shredded raw beef known as yukke caused the poisoning.      細かく切り刻んだ生肉
2 A type of
colon bacilli, O111, which causes bleeding from intestines,      大腸菌                     腸
has been found in some of the victims.
3 Strangely enough, though,
no records have turned up of the nation's slaughterhouses shipping beef designated for eating raw since fiscal 2008.
 The restaurant chani says it received email from the wholesaler in May 2009 saying it was going to send a beef sample suitable for yukke and that
"trimming" ― scraping off surface meat to prevent food poisoning ― was unnecessary.

Vocabulary for Eiken 1st grade
detention, detonate, dexterous, diabolic, dichotomy, diffident, diffuse, dig up, fraudulent, dilute, inject
disarming, discharge, discrepancy, debit, disdain, disintegration, disparity, dispute, debunk, dissect
dissemination, disperse, dissipated, debase, dissuade, endorse, distortion, ditch, ditto, dogmatic, dole, doom, dote, down the drain, downtrend, divest, drafty, drill, gush, eat one's words, destitute, ebb, diverge, echelon, eclectic, miscellaneous
effusive, elucidate, draw a blank, emancipate, suppression, embark, embed, empower, emulate, enact, encompass, encumber

contentious, authentic, continuance, perjury, contrite, contrive, convene, defuse, converge, conversant,
convict, vow, convulse, copious, count in, counterpart, cover up, covert, crack up, crease, credulous
crunch, curb, deplorable, cursory, curtly, rebuke, dainty, dangle, dawdle, gauche,dearth, ascertain, debrief
deception, decorous, deduct, defer, flawless, deflect, detract, deft, dehydration, deluge
delusion, delve, under wraps, demolition, topple over, demote, den, deploy, depreciation, gratifying, despicable, detect