第56回                  Mars


 Mars is getting ready for its close-up, with the red planet coming as near to Earth this month as it has in almost 60,000 years.
 People are kind of thinking that all you've got to do is go outside and you're going to see this big red bolb that's half the size of the moon. Mars will appear to be about the same size as a middling-sized crater on the moon.

 It is a marvelous opportunity to get people interested in astronomy and what you can see from your own backyard. We hope that more and more people will get used to looking at the sky so they will be interested in efforts to cut down on light pollution.

 To get an idea of how big Mars will seem at its closest, the typical thumb held at arms' length covers about one degree of the sky, or 3,600 arc seconds. The moon is about half a degree of the sky, or 1,800 arc seconds. Mars at its closest will appear to be 25.11 arc seconds --- only about one more arc second than its usual 24.