For fast-Reading and Fast-Understanding
               -Tatsujin seminar in Uchiko in August, 1999-

 教科書を主体とした授業を進める一方で、教材として広く教科書以外にもその題材を求め、 授業での活用方法を研究した。まず、長文読解力向上のためには、サイト・トランスレイションの指導とインターネットで入手したアメリカンジョークの活用を、またライティング力向上には、アメリカのオレゴン大学のホームページで公開されている詩をモデルに英詩の創作指導を活用した。

  (ア) 文レベルでの直読直解指導法 ーサイト・トランスレイションー
 直読直解指導のためのステップとしては、次のような手順が考えられる。まず、与えられた資料や図から素早く必要な情報だけを読みとるスキャニング(scanning)、sense groupごとに意味を把握するサイト・トランスレイション(sight translation)、段落ごとに内容理解をするパラグラフ・リーディング(paragraph reading)、そして最後にパッセージ全体の内容をとらえるスキミング(skimming)といったステップである。

  @  テープを聞きながら、テキストの文をセンス・グループごとに区切る。ただし、センス・グループの長さは、生徒の能力や練習によって異なる。
  A  サイト・トランスレイションを、声を出さずにさせる。この時、生徒にはできるだけ一度読んだだけで意味をとらえるよう指導する。サイト・トランスレイションで肝心なことは、英文を目に入ってくる順序のまま理解することである。
  B  内容を理解しているかどうかを質問によって確認する。質問の代わりに、サマリーチャートを作成さても良い。
  C  センス・グループごとの和訳をさせる。

  (イ) パラグラフおよびパッセージレベルでの直読直解指導 ージョークの活用ー
@ ジョークは内容が比較的コンパクトで読みやすい。
A 話のオチ、あるいはダブル・ミーニングを持つキーワードを見つけることが、内容理解に直接つながるので、生徒は逐語訳から解放される。
B 内容がおもしろいので継続的なリーディングの動機づけになる。
C 教師が生徒の理解度をチェックするのが簡単である。

     A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of holiday shopping. It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her. Looking in her purse, she commented, "Hmmm.... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills.” The boy quickly replied, "That's right, lady. The last time I found a purse, the owner didn't have any change for a reward."
 この例では、a $20 billとtwenty $1 billsがキーワードで、The last time I found a purse, the owner didn't have any change for a reward.が話のオチとなる。教師は、 生徒がこの部分に下線を施しているかどうかを見るだけで生徒の理解度をチェックできる。もう一つ、使えるジョークを紹介する。あなたなら、どのように活用しますか。
      Jesus Christ
  A boy is watching television and hears the name Jesus Christ. Wondering who Jesus Christ is, he asks his mother. She tells him that she is busy, and to ask his father. His father is also busy so he asks his brother. His brother kicks him out of the room because he doesn't have time to answer his stupid questions, so he goes downtown and sees a bum in an alley.
  He asks the bum, "Who's Jesus Christ?" and the bum replies, "Well, I am." The boy, not believing the bum, asks for proof. So the bum takes the boy into the bar down the street and takes him inside. They walk up to the bar and the bartender exclaims, "Jesus Christ, are you in here again?"

English Version
 The first topic is for paragraph reading. The first step for paragraph reading is sight translation. Sight translation is,in brief, translating by sense group and reading from the left to the right. As you know, sight translation is an exercise for simultaneous interpretation. Simultaneous interpretation requires the ability to speed understanding. Therefore, through sight translation, the students develop speed reading skills. Also, speed reading skills are useful for paragraph reading. And sight translation will develop into phrase reading through practice and then from phrase reading into paragraph reading.
 This is one of lesson plans with sight translation.
1  Listen to the tape and read each sentence by sense group. The length of sense group depends on the  students proficiency of English. Give some hints for new words when needed.
2  Read silently twice or three times to answer the questions.
3  Summarize each part in Japanese.
4  Translating by sense group. What comes most in sight translation is to read from the left to the right  and try to get the outline of the  passage.

 As the second step for paragraph reading, I recommend using jokes. The students have been accustomed to literal translation since they started learning English. The students have to get rid of this habit. In order to eliminate this habit, jokes are helpful to them. Jokes are usually so compact that the students can easily read a whole story. Every joke has a punch line or the key words, so the students are just required to find the punch line or the key words. They don’t have to understand word by word. Therefore they put more emphasis on paragraph reading than on literal translation.  
 The next advantage of jokes is that jokes are a good motivator for reading. The students will find it interesting to read jokes if they can understand the point of the joke. Therefore, they are encouraged to read more and that try to get the outline of the story instead of word by word. And the next advantage is that it is very easy for teachers to check the students’ comprehension. Unlike the school textbook, you only have to see if the students understand the point of the joke. For example, you can see their comprehension just by checking if the students underline the punch line or not.  
 For these reasons, I believe reading jokes will help the students in paragraph reading and be of benefit to teachers. 
 Now, let’s take a look at some sample jokes.You have the following samples on your handout. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading the jokes. Will you read sample 1?  

Sample 1・・・The Lost Purse
 A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of holiday shopping. It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her. Looking in her purse, she commented, "Hmmm.... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills." The boy quickly replied, "That's right, lady. The last time I found a   purse, the owner didn't have any change for a reward."

  In this lady's bag there was single $20 bill. This clever boy changed it into 20 $1 bills in order to get a reward. So, in sample 1, the students are expected to underline “a $20 bill”, “twenty $1 bills”, which are the key words and “The last time I found a purse, the owner didn’t have any change for a reward.”

Here you have the 2nd sample joke. 

Sample 2・・・Jesus Christ
  A boy is watching television and hears the name Jesus Christ. Wondering who Jesus Christ is, he asks his mother. She tells him that she is busy, and to ask his father. His father is also busy so he asks his brother. His brother kicks him out of the room because he doesn't have time to answer his stupid questions, so he goes downtown and sees a bum in an alley.
  He asks the bum, "Who's Jesus Christ?" and the bum replies, "Well, I am." The boy, not believing the bum, asks for proof. So the bum takes the boy into the bar down the street and takes him inside. They walk up to the bar and the bartender exclaims, "Jesus Christ, are you in here again?"

  If you find any unfamiliar word for your students, why not give a hint? For example, a beggar for a bum and a narrow street for an alley. Let’s enjoy this joke. Did you get it? Here, Jesus Christ is a key word. This word has a double meaning. And the punch line is, “Jesus Christ, are you in here again?” Now you may say, “ How can we find jokes suitable for the students?” It’s easy if you have access to the internet.  

  The the second topic is “Develop writing skills through poems.” In poems we will express our feelings with adjectives and adverbs. So it is a good chance to develop our vocabulary in this field. Here I would like to show some instructions in Japanese. 

英詩創作指導 (Instructions for Poems)  
 これは、インターネットでアメリカのオレゴン大学アメリカ英語研究所講師Leslie Opp-beckmanさんのweb site(に載っていた詩のテンプレートを元に、私なりにアレンジした創作詩の指導方法で、業でも実践しています。もちろん授業で活用させてもらっていることはLeslieさんの許可を得ていますし、生徒の作品をメールで送ったりしています。

1 五行詩( cinquaine poems )  
1行目  名詞                      River
2行目  名詞を描写する2つの形容詞      Clear, wonderful
3行目  名詞を描写する3つの動詞の分詞形  Slapping, whirling, flowing
4行目  名詞に関する一つの文          The river is cold.
5行目  名詞の類義語                Water


  tender and peaceful
waxing, waning, and repeating
  the moon has rabbits
blue, silent, clear
 shining, exciting, flying  
the heavens await me
yellow, short
working, walking, smoking
In fact the Japanese are splendid people
strong, smart
roaring, running, sleeping
Lion is the king of animals

2 七行詞( diamante poems )  
例 1行目  1つの名詞                   Teenager
  2行目  名詞を描写する2つの形容詞         Powerful, noisy
   3行目  名詞を描写する3つの動詞の分詞形   Dancing, dating, consuming
   4行目  1行目の名詞に関する名詞2つと     Explosion, energy, maturity, senility      
   5行目  反意語を描写する3つの動詞の分詞形 Working, earning, saving
   6行目  反意語を描写する2つの形容詞      Quiet, peaceful
   7行目  1行目の反意語を表す1つの名詞    Ty-ager  ( ty-ager = as in seventy, eighty)


attractive, jealous
talking, eating, shopping
 accessory, make-up, work, drink 
playing, fishing, driving
strong, rough
dark, cold
 depressing, crying, drenched   
 water, umbrella, energy, heat  
shining, smiling, dried
clear, hot
deep, clam
enjoying, worrying, relaxing
wave, couple, sweat, challenge
exciting, trying, hiking
high, great
easy, light
going up, keeping, helping
good, white, evil, black
dropping, giving up, forsaking
nasty, dark

3 人物詩( Persona poems )  
 最後に、最も作りやすいと思われる人物詩( Persona poems )です。作品例を参考にし、まずは友だちや家族をモデルに作らせるとよいでしょう。2行目に使う形容詞はその人の顔を思い浮かべながらできるだけ良いところを探して、描写させます。
例 1行目 名前、ニックネーム       Kimiko
2行目 その人物を表す4つの形容詞  tall, quiet, friendly, interesting
3行目 その人物とある人物との      friend of Yasu     
4行目 その人物の好む3つのもの    who loves reading, painting and sleeping
5行目 その人物が恐れる3つのもの  who is afraid of spiders, mosquitoes and flies
6行目 その人物がしたい3つのこと    who wants to see China, the pyramids and movies
7行目 住んでいるところ          resident of peace atmosphere
8行目 姓                   ...Azuma


Kate ....
Short, energetic, happy, intelligent
mother of Danny who loves music, books and fresh air
who is afraid of President Clinton, spiders and heights
who wants to see Latin America, the end of poverty and summer
resident of this moment ..... 


gentle, commonplace, mild and normal
Mother of mine who loves sports, TV and newspapers
who is afraid of boredom, centipedes and winter
resident of therice fields
clever, nervous, friendly, familiar
friend of Ichiro
who loves reading, studying and listening to music
who is afraid of his sister, low marks and entrance exams
resident of Uwa
charming, tender, pleasant but lonely
best friedn of mine
who loves rain, music and universe
who is afraid of roller coaster, ghost and solitude
resident of my heart
lovely, cute, funny and noisy
pet of my family
who loves music, paper and nature
who is afraid of cat, bath and mirror
resident of my heart

4 変形五行短詞( arranged cinquaine poems )      
例 1行目   名詞                    the hospital nurse
2行目  名詞を描写する2つの形容詞        perky and efficient
3行目  名詞を描写する分詞と動きを表す副詞  rushing briskly from room to room
4行目  likeかasに続けて比喩表現        like the commuter train on a tight schedule
5行目  if onlyに続けて望みを表す        if only she'd slow down for a smile


small but strong
busy with its work day after day
like Japanese people
if only ant would take a vacation and rest
fast and vivid
running straight
like a launched arrow
If only I had freedom

1 3〜5人のグループに分かれ、モデル五行短詞について次の活動をする。   
  a. 詞を声に出して読み、どういう読み方がふさわしいかを話し合う。   
  b. 1行目と2行目以下とのつながりを説明する。以下の行についても同様の活動をする。
2 できる限り多くの類義語を出し合う。(トピックの選定)    
  例: vacation - holidays, artist - creator, Paris - paradise, life - journey      
3 生徒は、2で話し合った類義語をもとに、5行短詞を作る。
