"Laughing Again "
Expressions Paraphrasing
confab confab is just another word for meeting or conference. It's just a catchy way of saying meeting.
= powwow, huddle
do(=make) a pitch make an attempt at something
make a pitch for Coca Cola.
blast enjoyable experience or lively party, a strong gust of wind or air
raise an eyebrow show surprise or mild disapproval
arthritis a disease causing painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
inflammation a localized physical condition in which a part of the body becomes reddened, swollen and painful
gout a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis
hilarious extremely funny ( or merry )
count on rely on
contagious (of a disease) spread by direct or indirect contact of people or organisms, infectious
perk up When you perk up, it means that you're suddenly showing interest or becoming energetic,
something has suddenly caught your attention.
prospect prospect in this case means a potential client. It can also be a potential candidate for a job.
  ○ Anita is out doing a pitch to a prospect.
come off succeed, be accomplished / become detached
charm the power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others
fathom understand something after much thought, measure the depth of
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
tickle lightly touch in a way that causes itching or twitching and often laughter
gasp catch one's breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment
pant breathe with short, quick breaths, typically from exertion or excitement
customary usual, in accordance with custom
wisecrack If you make a wisecrack, it means that you're joking often in a sarcastic way.
= smart remark, quip
Someone who makes wisecracks is called a smart aleck or a wise guy.
  ○ If you tuned in to a TV late show, there were no wisecracks directed at the White House.
walk on eggshells If you need to walk on eggshells, it means that you need to be very careful and cautious because of some delicate situation.
You might use it when you are talking about your boss who's been in a bad mood all day long.
  ○ You have to walk on eggshells around him all day.
shelve abandon or defer ( a plan or project )
jeer make rude and mocking remarks at someone
spoof making fun of, parody, hoax
  ○ You couldn't do jokes spoofing national leaders.
thorny causing distress, difficulty or trouble
  ○ Some people may hate humor on thorny subjects.
in poor taste insensitive, distasteful, thoughtless
endorphin natural pain killer
gear up for make ready for, prepare for
go out of fashion passe
rule out exclude
provocative causing annoyance, anger or another strong reaction
dig in(to) investigate