"Corporate Security" and "Life Priority Change"

 Words & Phrases    Paraphrasing                                
disrespect a lack of respect
If you show someone disrespect, it means that you are being rude or insolent. It's shortened to "dis."
So if you "dis" someone, it means that you're disrespecting them.
No offense taken. "No offense taken" is the response to "I don't mean any disrespect," or "No hard feelings."
  ○ "I don't mean any disrespect - and no hard feelings, please."
    "No offense taken."
bona fide It means legitimate or real, authentic, genuine. If someone's "bona fide," like a bona fide Pearson employee,
you might say they're the real deal or the real McCoy.
loosen up ease or relax
  ○ I thought security has been loosening up in the past couple of months.
evacuate To evacuate is to vacate or leave or escape from danger, or also to make someone leave a dangerous area.
discreet Something that is discreet is unnoticeable or modest or inconspicuous or confidential.
  ○ Please rest assured that security will be discreet, not a slap in the face.
  ○ Please be discreet.
clamor loud and confused noise, especially of vehement shouting
  ○ I'll bet that the others are clamoring for them now as well.
fend off= ward off If you fend off something, it means you're defending it from something.
For example, if you're very successful in your job, you might fend off job offers from other companies.
  ○ Are you thinking of installing security cameras to ward off anthrax spores?
at all costs =at any price
If you protect something at all costs, it means that you are taking whatever necessary action
that must be taken in order to protect it.
  ○ Businesses that deal with sensitive information have to protect it at all costs.
duplicate When you duplicate something, it means that you're making a copy or double of something.
  ○ That's done every single day to duplicate files automatically.
redundant Something that is redundant is repetitive or in excess or superfluous.
  ○ Redundant jobs were eliminated to cut costs and increase efficiency.
Talk about creepy. creepy = weird, grim    It' used as an exclamation "How creepy!"
If you go to a department store and you have contact with a very rude salesperson, you might say,
"Talk about rude."
If you saw Brad Pit on the street, you might say,"Talk about gorgeous."
Life Priority Change
live it up have a lot of fun, have a great time   cf. live up to = meet expectations or keeping a promise of some kind
  ○ If we can't count on tomorrow, let's live it up today.  
Carpe diem seize the day, focus on the present, live for today only, live it up today, make the most of the present time
go out thewindow When something goes out the window, it disappears completely.
  ○ Diets went out the window.
synagogue a building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious observance
solace comfort or consolation in time of distress
binge spree
plummet fall suddenly and sharply. So you might talk about sales plummeting or prices or profits.
You cold also talk about it if you read about a plane crash.
"The plane plummeted from the sky." It usually implies a very long drop.
  ○ Our clients in the health food industry saw their sales plummet.
perennial Something that is perennial last for a long time or is continual.
And you might say something is a perennial favorite, it's always everyone's favorite for a long time.
It's also used to describe plants or flowers. A plant that stays green all year round would be a perennial.
  ○ Diet books have been perennial best sellers.
vulnerability a weak point or something that leaves you open to an attack
weather When we use weather as a verb, it means that you're enduring a crisis or surviving a crisis of some kind.
  ○ They also saw thier parents weather a heavy recession.
hit close to home When something hits you close to home, it means that it affects you in some kind of strong or personal way.
  ○ A 20 percent pay cut sure hits close to home.
Millennials Millennial comes from the word millennium, which means a period of one thousand years.
Millennials are the generation that is growing up around the beginning of this new millenium.
The generation before that is known as Generation X.
  cf. baby boomer→Me generation →Generation X(early 30s, no identity) →Millennials
apathy = indifference
  ○ They share apathy toward the government.
don't bother to do   ○ Most of them don't bother to vote in elections.
demographic = age bracket
  ○ They are not exactly the most lucrative demographic.
lucrative Something that is lucrative is profitable or valuable.
Something that has the potential to bring in a lot of money.
You might talk about a lucrative job offer, and that would be one with a very high salary.
lucrative demographic people ranging from 18 years old and 49 years old
coveted = yearn to possess
  ○ Readers in their late teens make up a coveted market that was not easy to reach
with conventional newspaper ads.
What a turnaround. an abrupt or unexpected change
news consumers audience