"New Team" and "What's Cooking?"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
Any word on 〜? In this case, word means information or news.
Simply put it it's "Have you heard anything about this? Have you heard of anything about〜?
  ○ Any word on what's coming up with our two newest clients?
as needed Basically it means whenever you need to or on an as-needed basis.
  ○ You can liaise with them as needed from now on.
I have a lot on my plate. It means that you are very busy, you have so many things to do.
have a hand in be involved in
self-serving It's something that benefits only yourself and usually it means that you're disregarding
the interest of others. It often has a negative connotation.
self-centered, self-concerned
mature It means it's fully grown or developed or adult. You can describe people, animals or even wine.
We also use mature as a nicer way of saying "older" in some cases.
premature(時期尚早の、早産の), immature(未熟な)
keep a law profile 目立たないようにする
memorial service 追悼式
pitch in It means "lend a hand" and "contributing money to buy something together as a group.
  ○ We all pitched in to buy her a birthday gift.
  ○ We offered to pitch in on their behalf at no extra charge.
galvanize activate it, stimulate it or revitalize something
When you galvanize muscle, you send an electronic current through it to stimulate it.
  ○ The tragedy had galvanized our Ameriacn spirit.
finesse handle it very skillfully , deal with a situation in an artful or delicate way
  ○ Happily, our people finessed it with no hard feelings on either side.
raise hell When you raise hell, you become very angry and you complain about something
that you don't agree with.
= you made a stink about something. I gave him a piece of my mind.
smack of slight flavor or suggestion of
  ○ Anything that smacks of exploitation would create a backlash against the company.
keep a finger on the public pulse
This expression comes from medical practice.世間の実情を把握している
  ○ We need to keep a finger on the public pulse.
misconstrue misunderstand or misinterpret intentions or actions
  ○ Please don't misconstrue what I have to say.
fertile ground something that offers a lot of good opportunity or chances to be productive
get back into the swing of things get back to nomal or get back to the old routine
= You've gotten back in the saddle again.
jittery extremely nervous
be shell-shocked nervous or mental disorder caused by the noise and blast of bursting
What's Cooking?
nuke it in the microwave microwave
What's cooking? How are you?
on the back burner It implies something that's been postponed or given low priority.
The back burner refers to the back part of a stove where you might put a pot that need to sit for a while,
that you aren't using right away.
  ○ In effect, home cooking ended up on the back burner in the homes of career-minded mothers.


Something that is new-fangled means it's in the newest or latest style.
It also implies novelty of some kind.
For example, a new-fangled cell phone maybe one that allows you to take pictures
or watch movies on it.
Something that's flawed means it's got some sort of imperfection or defect of some kind.
  ○ It was about a generation of kids with literacy problems due to a new-fangled,
but flawed teaching technique.
nuke a nuke comes from nuclear, nuclear weapons. So if you nuke something, it can mean that you're cooking something in a microwave or that you're launching a nuclear attack. We used it to mean both things because of the radiation that is used in both.
  ○ It's so easy to pick up takeout food at a supermarket and nuke it in a microwave.(レンジでチンする)
apart from other than, besides, with the exception of
in a second. in a jiffy
in a New York minute・・・The lifestyle in New York is ery fast-paced, so a New York minute would be faster than a normal minute.
plug It means to promote or publicize something.
  ○ M&B will deal with advertising needs to plug the campaign.
order from the local take-out joint club, bar, shop
brown-bag It means to bring lunch from home often in a small brown paper bag
  ○ You can brown-bag homemade sandwitches.
utensil This word is used to describe kitchen tools, such as spatulas, ladles, forks, knives, etc.
scribble write or draw carelessly or hurriedly
basting It's drizzling a liquid over meat to make it moist and taste better.
pour over it the fat, juice which come from it during cooking
deglazing After you roast meat, you add wine or broth to the juice left in the pan,
then reheat it. You pour it over the meat just before you serve it.
circulation It is the extent that something is distributed or sold. And it's usually used when talking about publications such as magazines or newspapers.
You might also hear people from libraries talking about their circulation, which would be the number of books that's have been borrowed.
  ○ The booklet will get much bigger circulation if the offer appears in the media.
a good match for person or thing exactly corresponding to or combining well with