Lesson 26 "Vacation Time"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
one-armed bandit slot (machine)
*fabulous 1 wonderful, marvellous, superb  2 mythical, imaginary, legendary
overwhelming vast, massive, uncontrollable, irresisitible
evolve develop over successive generations by evolution
*by leaps and bounds with startlingly rapid progress
ghost town a town with few or no remaining inhabitants
*hamlet a small village, especially one without a church
mobster gangster
*lo and behold used to present a new scene or situation (=believe it or not)
*hard-nosed realistic and tough-minded, shrewd (=set in one's way)
stunning expremely impressive or attractive
*post-industrial an economy which no longer relies on heavy industry
*feisty touchy and aggressive, high-spirited    e.g. a feisty woman
poster child a child who appears on a poster in an advertisement for a charitable organization   (=shining example)
revenue income, especially when of a company
tempting enticing, attractive
*urbane (especially of a man) suave, debonaire, courteous and refined   
*tramp walk heavily or noisily  (tramp around=wander around)
*ecotourism tourism directed towards unspoiled natural environments
and intended to support conservation efforts
token symbol, coin, symbolic
  cf. by the same token=in the same way or the same reason
dense closely compacted in substance, crowded closely together
*perimeter the outermost parts or boundary of an area or object
underlying basic, fundamental, latent, hidden
  cf. underline=emphasize
*lush (of a color) rich, luxurious
*reservoir a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply
hearty robust and healthy
cuisine a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country or region
alfresco in the open air
preserve foodstuff made with fruit preserved in sugar     e.g. jam
lace add an ingredient, especially alcohol, to enhance its flavor or strength
stroll walk in a leisurely way
to a T exactly, to perfection
*trove a store of valuable or delightful things
*work sth up develop or improve something gradually, develop by activity or effort
slate schedule, nominate as a candidate for an office or post