Lesson 25 "Life After Layoffs"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
fine-tune make small adjustments to in order to achieve the best performance
disturbing causing to feel anxious
grapevine the circulation of rumors and unofficial information
    cf. through the grapevine=by [through] word of mouth
bow out quit, leave, retire from, step down
payroll a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are able to be paid
    cf. Is she a volunteer or on the payroll?
let someone go allow someone to go free, dismiss an employee
liaise cooperate on a matter of mutual concern
healthcare a pharmaceutical company, medical electronics,
outplacement the provision of assistance to redundant employees in finding new employment
pharmaceutical relating to medical drugs
diverse widely varied
people in their 60s sexagenarian
resign voluntarily leave a job, quit      cf. terminate
get the chop fired, dismissed
*eke out a living manage to make a living with difficulty
cut the mustard meet a necessary standard to achieve success
sign on commit oneself to employment
*overqualified too highly qualified for a job, having more education or skills that the job requires,
interface with interact with   cf. (computing) a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer
pull rank take unfair advantage of one's seniority
ajar slightly open
expertise great skill or knowledge in a particular field
hierarchy a ranking system ordered according to status or authority
   cf. hierarchic, hierarchical
give sb the ax fire, dismiss, drop
in exchange for instead of, in lieu of,
*telecommute work from home
consolidate make stronger or more solid, combine into a single unit
benefit payment made by the state or an insurance scheme to someone entitled to receive it
extra incentives an employee receives in addition to his/her salary
phase carry out in gradual stages    cf. phase out=gradually discontinue in stages
tap into obtain money or information from
*sabbatical a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher for study or travel
(traditionally one year for every seven years worked)
morale the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time
listless lacking energy or enthusiasm      cf. list=desire, inclination
*jump the gun start too soon before the right time
deteriorating worsening, degenerating