Lesson 24 "Working Too Hard"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
consolidated combined into a single unit, make solid or more stronger
*open someone's eyes cause someone to realize something
   cf. eye-opener=an unexpected revelation, an alcoholic drink taken early in the day
telling having a striking or revealing effect, significant
put in long hours work long hours     cf. put in a sixty-hour week
pursuit a recreational or sporting activity, interest, occupation
disparity a great difference, imbalance, discrepancy
(v.) factor sth in include sth as a relevant element when making a decision
ingredient any of the foods that are combined to make a particular dish
log record, achieve (a certain distance, speed, or time), put in
*road rage violent anger arising from conflict with the driver of another motor vehicle
take its toll have an adverse effect    cf. toll=the number of deaths or casualities arising from an accident, disaster
(n.) fatigue extreme tiredness, especially resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness
*fly in ointment small problem
*spilt hairs make overfine distinctions
juggle cope with by adroitly [skilfully] balancing (several activities)
unwind relax
R&R rest and recreation
delve research intensively into something
bracket a category of similar people or things
keep nose to the grindstone work hard and continuously, making a diligent effort
run counter to go in the opposite direction to or in conflict with
chronic having a persistent illness or bad habit   (opp.) acute
sedentary tending to spend much time seated
be-all and end-all ultimate goal
price value, worth
around the clock all day and all night, twenty-four seven
set one's heart on hope for, aim for, be resolved [determined] to do something
*on call available to provide a professional service if necessary, but not formally on duty
disheartening disappointing, discouraging, saddening
downside negative side of something    (= drawback, disadvantage,
*make ends meet earn just enough money to live on
tot small child     cf. tyke, toddler
poisonous venomous, malicious, harmful
premises a house or building together with its land and outbuildings
*absenteeism the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason