Lesson 23 "Internship"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
intern a student or trainee who does a job to gain work experience or for a qualification
resume curriculum vitae (=C.V.)
Student Salute a student internship placement service linked to hundreds of companies
articulate express oneself clearly
sidekick a person's partner or assistant
third party a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation
vet make a careful and critical examination (especially of a person prior to employment)
mentor an experienced and trusted adviser
immerse involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest
scratch the surface deal with or investigate a matter only in the most superficial way, (=touch upon)
take a stab at try one's hand at, attempt something@@@@cf. stab sb in the back=betray someone
demanding something that is challenging or requiring much effort
stand someone in good stead be advantageous to someone over time or in the future
gofer (=gopher) a person who runs errands, especially on a film set or in an office
senior year the final year of high school or university in US
field deal with ( a difficult question, telephone call, etc.)
with flying colors with great success
implement put into effect
HR human resources
slacker a person who avoids work or effort
a young person of a subculture characterized by apathy and aimlssness
sink (get) one's teeth into work energetically and productively on
a lick of work a small amount of work
hook up link or to be linked to electronic equipment
straight out candidly, offhand
wimp under one's wing a weak and cowardly person in one's protective care
cringe experience an inward shiver of embarrassment or disgust
click become friendly and compatible
adore love and respect deeply
tier a level or grade within a hierachy
the cream of the crop the very best of a group of people or things
let someone in on a secret confide
citation a note accompanying an award, giving reasons for it
on tap freely available
few and far between scarce
sweeten the pot make something more attractive, valuable and tempting
be worth every penny of be worthy of