Lesson 22 "Volunteer Families"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
deprived poor, without enough food or adequate housing or education
deduct subtract or take away from a total
tax deductible able to be deducted from taxable income
on a case-by-case basis according to the circumastance or situation     cf. on a first-name basis
extend beyond go beyond
at the grassroots level on a local level, at the very base level
candidate a person who applies for a job, a person taking an examination
stipulate demand, require, specify
update (n.) an updated version or an act of updating
solid reliable, dependable, firm, stable
drinkable potable
vaccinate treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease
comprehensive including all or nearly all aspects of something, wide-ranging
needy lacking the necessities of life, very poor or underprivileged
hand something out distribute something among a group of people
(n.) handout an amount of money given to a needy person or organization
a piece of printed information provided free of charge to accompany a talk or lecture
a roster of a list of names, a list or plan showing turns of duty
empower give authority or power to
sustain strengthen or support physically or mentally
on the rise increasing,
heal make or become sound or healthy again
close to home accurate to the point that one feels uncomfortable
occasional occurring infrequently or irregularly
coordinate organize or facilitate something to handle or arrange the details in some way
do good help often by volunteering
   cf. a do-gooder…someone who helps too much, perhaps when the help isn't wanted
litter trash or rubbish that is thrown on a street or in a park    cf. litterbug = a person who litters
civic duties a duty or responsibility as a citizen
sign of the times an event or thing that symbolizes the current times
opt make a choice,
pitch in join in enthusiastically with a task or activitiy
steam momentum, impetus    cf. gather [pick up] steam ⇔ run out of steam
a barrage of a barrage of questions, a barrage of criticism (= a plethora of, a deluge of, a food of )
celebrity a person who works hard all his life to become well known,
and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
snowball effect increasing or expanding at fast rate
come out of thin air suddenly appear, (=come out of nowhere, come out of the blue)
get into the act become involved in a particular activity
stir up agitage, stimulate,