Lesson 21 "Pet Care"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
cats and dogs rain cats and dogs, fight like cats and dogs, Has the cat got your tongue?
pertinent relevant, suitable, (especially of language) apposite
go around be sufficient to supply everybody present
shell out pay a specified amount of money, especially an amount regarded as excessive
outnumber be more numerous than
criteria a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided
drive an organized effort to achieve a particular purpose, campaign
ample enough or more than enough
meet fulfill, satisfy
matter be important or significant
give sb a new lease of (on) life give sb a substantially improved prospect of life or another chance
tip of the iceberg the small perceptible part of much larger situation or problem
fork out pay money for something, especially reluctantly
go over the top driving something excessive, outrageous
a host of a large number of, a stack of, a heap of, a pile of
in fine fettle in fine condition
be in the know be aware of something known only to a few people
vet veterinarian, veteran
prescribe (prescription) give (medical) instructions or orders
give the nod to approve, give the green light to, give the OK
pet companion animal
euthanasia the painless killing of a patient suffering from a incurable disease
cease come or bring to an end, stop
seeing-eye (Bri.) guide dog@@@cf. service dog, hearing dog
endorse approve, support, favor
enroll officially register as a member or student
put to sleep kill out of mercy, euthanize
bond with unite, create connection
face the fact face the music, to be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
taxidermy the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals so as to appear lifelike
eerie strange and frightening
gross disgusting, vulgar
kick the bucket (coll.) die
bereave be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death