Lesson 2 "Personal Decision-Making"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
gist substance of a speech or text
pink slip a notice of dismissal from employment
  cf. get the pink slip = be fired    give sb the pink slip = give sb the ax
be stuck be unable to move, be unable to progress with a task or find the answer or solution
*magic wand a stick or rod thought to have magic properties, used in casting spells or performing tricks
*anthrax a serious bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, and able to be transmitted to humans
tons of advice (coll.) heaps of advice       (formal) a considerable amount of, a good deal of advice
qualm about feel eneasy about, have doubt
for all concerned for everyone involved
don't have a clue not to have any idea at all
shape up become physically fit, improve something, develop in a particular way
on the right track following a course likely to result in success
tip a piece of practical advice
*if it's no secret if you don't mind telling me, if it's not confidential
a stack of a pile of
*a stick in the mud someone who doesn't take any action when they need to
someone who can be no fun or boring
*be assertive
(positive meaning)
take possitive action, show confidence
   cf. aggressive (negative meaning)
sign on commit oneself to employment
split leave
function act as, serve as
   cf. Our newest product functions as both a phone and a camera.
*turnover the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced
the amount of money taken by a business in a particular period
a revolving-door workplace a workplace where people tend to coma and go quickly, quitting not long after they are hired.
show sb the door send sb away, repel
wet behind the ears inexperienced, green, naive
value consider something very important or beneficial
wince give a slight involuntary grimace or flinch due to pain or distress
more often than not very often
dumbfound astonish greatly  Origin: dumb + confound
glee great delight
kick up one's heels have a lively enjoyable time
rigid inflexible, stiff and unmoving
stifling restrictive
tangible perceptible by touch, visible, clear and definite
  (opp.) intangible
grapple with struggle to deal with, tackle, wrestle with
sweatshop a factory where working condition is terrible
have a sneaking suspicion have a feeling that・・・, have a hunch that・・・
mark down 1 jot down, note something  2 reduce prices
chew on discuss or consider something at length
make a mental notes on mark down