Lesson 19 "Dressing Trends"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
chic elegantly and stylishly fashionable
pants (Am.) trousers, underpants @@cf. catch someone with their pants down
hot popular
pick up obtain something at a cheaper price, increase a speed, recover one's health, learn (a language)
statement assertion
tuxedo a man's dinner jacket
hang out spend time relaxing or enjoying, kill time
hang-out (hangout) a place one frequently visits
fancy highly decorated
get-up a style or arrangement of dress, especially an elaborate or unusual one
stick with persevere or continue with
bust a period of economic difficulty or depression
go overboard go too far, be very enthusiastic
sloppy careless, excessively casual
fledgling inexperienced
dot-com compay a company that does business on the internet
ride high be successful
come across as give a specified impression as, come off as
toe the line follow the rule strictly@@ cross the line (= violate the rule)
fight an uphill battle have a difficult struggle
pavement sidewalk, walkway
pound the pavement walk around the city for jobs
middle of the road midway between two extremes
white-collar =office worker, pink-collar=traditionally women's job like secretary, nurse, retailor
stringent strict
crisp neat, clear-cut, smart, (of weather) cool, potato chips
outfit get-up, costume, ensemble
versatile able to adapt to many different functions
translate into come to mean
shabby dressed in worn clothes, scruffy, tatty
groom dress, give a neat and tidy appearance to, train for a particular purpose
scruffy shabby and untidy or dirty
yo-yo move up and down repeatedly, fluctuate
settle down adopt a more steady or secure style of life
mix and match select and combine different but complementary items to form a coordinated set
tailored (of clothes) smart, fitted, and well cut
drab (n.) a dull light brown color, (a.) drearily dull
sheep coward, a person who is easily influenced or led
Bronx cheer a sound of derision made by blowing through closed lips with the tongue between them
Hear! hear! used to express wholehearted agreement with something said in a speech
flatter make attractive, give an unrealistically favorable impression of, lavish compliments on
middle ground medium
conformity compliance with conventions, rules, or laws
play it safe avoid taking risks