Lesson 18 "Taste Shift"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
phase out withdraw something from use in gradual stages
wage carry on ( a war or campaign )
war cry a call made to rally soldiers for battle or to gather together paricipants in a campaign
pendulum a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely, especially a rod with a weighted end that regulates the mechanism of a clock
dip sink, drop, or slope downwards
turn inside out create confusion
calorie the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1℃
smell the coffee become realistic
what have you and so on, and what not
to boot as well, in addition
out of favor ⇔ in favor
high-end restaurant expensive, exclusive and popular restaurant
haute cuisine high-quality cooking following the style of traditional French cuisine
hurt feel mental pain
culinary of or for cooking
lust a passionate desire for something
eatery a restaurant or cafe
homey (homy) comfortable and cosy
make money hand over fist make a lot of money, make big bucks
slow to a crawl move or progress slowly
tumble decrease rapidly in amount or value
wring one's hand worry about, to be anguish, agonize
in the wake of following as a result
premium (a.) top quality, exceptional, expensive    (n.) something given as a reward or incentive
out of the question not possible at all, no chance
from coast to coast nationwide   cf. east coast=conservative  west coast=left coast because of liberal outlook
easy on the wallet inexpensive, reasonable
beat surpass, win out over (washing), top
second formally support or endorse, express agreement with
diverse widely varied
abound exist in large numbers or amounts
boutique a small shop selling fashionable clothes
provided on the condition, understanding that
decor the furnishing and decoration of a room
go for apply to
the writing on the wall clear message, ill-omen
get hip or get lost get fashionable or go away