Lesson 17 "Family Values"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
compile produce a collection by assembling material from other resources
census an official survey of a population
stagger astonish, astound, take aback
account for make up, explain, kill
custody parental responsibility, especially as allocated to one of two divorcing parents
perception a way of regarding, understandig something
count on rely on
soar increase rapidly above the usual level
give rise to bring about
embrace accept willingly
move up the corporate ladder be promoted to the position of greater responsibility
breadwinner a person who earns money to support their family
glass ceiling the invisible barrier that prevents women and members of minority groups
from moving up the corporate ladder
point-blank blunt, without explanation, fired from very close to its target
cause tongues to wag start to gossip
go the extra mile work harder than expected
cede give up
in the picture a state of being involved in something
tied down feel trapped in some way @@@@cf. tied up = busy
ex former husband or wife, boyfriend or girl friend
stateside in or toward the U.S. cf. go stateside
red cent a penny, the smallest amount of money
eke out a living manage to make a living with difficulty
agonize suffer, struggle
matter be important or significant
lay down the law issue instructions in an authoritative way
beau boyfriend or fiance
role model a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated
down the road in the future
count in include
balance work and family juggle work and family
bedridden confined to bed by sickness or old age