Lesson 16 "Safe Driving"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
close call a narrow escape from danger or disaster ,( =close shave )
prop up support or assist someone or something that would otherwise fail or decline
Samaritan a charitable or helpful person
on one's behalf in the interests of a person or group, as a representative of
tow use a vehicle to pull along
boiling point crisis point
gingerly in a careful or cautious manner
hit the road depart, leave
trunk boot
hood bonnet
curb (= kerb) a stone edging to a pavement or raised path   cf. curve, carve
median (British) = central reservation
sideswipe a glancing blow from the side, especially of a motor vehicle
ram crash violently against
do the trick achieve the required result
compartment a separate section of a structure or container
come in handy turn out to be useful
extinguish put out ( a fire or light )
spare tire a roll of fat around a person's waist
give sth a once-over go over, run through
mugger a person who attacks and robs another in a public place
scoot go or leave somewhere quickly
navigate guide a vehicle over a specific route or terrain
lubricate apply oil or grease to an engine to minimize friction
dashboard dining eating in a car
buckle up fasten seatbelts
hype extravagant promotion
pan out end up, conclude    pan = wash gravel in a pan to separate out gold
What's your take on …? What's your reaction [ thought ] on …?
distraction a thing that diverts someone's attention