Lesson 15 "Early Birds"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
full of pep full of liveliness, spirit
heap of work a large amount of work
roll in be received in large amount
pop in go or come for a short time, often without notice
eat up use resources in very large quantities
hallmark a mark stamped on articles for gold or silver, certifying purity
prioritize designate or treat as most important
huddle conference, discussion, confab, powwow
update give the latest information to
juggle successfully handle several obligations at the same time
early bird someone who gets up early in the morning or functions best in the morning
advertize broadcast, make public, announce
garner collect
offhand without previous consideration, abrupt, curt, terse, brusque
night owl someone who stays up late at night
burn the midnight oil work late into the night
on the spot immediately
bumper exceptionally large
nugget a small lump of gold, a small but valuable fact
rewarding valuable, satisfying, worthwhile
shift int high gear increase intensity or effort
chitchat small talk, chatting
get down to begin to do, give serious attention to,
relentless ruthless, harsh, persistent
norm usual, typical, standard thing
pontificate express one's opinions in a pompous or solem way   cf. pontifex
pet peeve a cause of annoyance
cut someone off break the connection during a telephone call
get cracking act quickly and energetically
kick back relax, be at leisure
hit the ground running proceed at a fast pace with enthusiasm
hectic very busy, full of incessant or frantic activity
to the hilt completely     cf. hilt=the handle of a sword
spread oneself too thin be involved in so many different activities that one's time and energy are not used to good effect