Lesson 14 "Children's Nutrition"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
take it that … assume, gather
know one's stuff be competent and knowledgeable on a certain area, be a real whiz at doing something
band form a group for a mutual purpose
produce the general term we use to describe fruit and vegetables
spearhead lead an attack or movement
veggies (veg) vegetables (vegetarian = veggie)
fight an uphill battle struggle to solve a difficult problem or accomplish something that is very difficult
given that taking into account, if
boozing a slang term for drinking   cf. drink heavily = hit the bottle, drink like a fish
stroke a sudden disabling attack caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain
obese plump, chubby, stocky (for men)  cf. BMI=Body Mass Index
spinach an edible Asian plant of the goosefoot family, with large dark green leaves
cataract a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque,
resulting in blurred vision
bowel the intestine
player a person that is involved and influential in an activity
carcinogen a substance capable of causing cancer
carotene an orange or red plant pigment found notably in carrots
gobble 〜 up eat hurriedly and noisily
gaol jail
get around deal successfully with a problem
come up with produce something, especially when pressured
speak in someone's language communicate with listeners in an easily understandable way
spokesperson a person who makes statements on behalf of a group or an individul
brochure a small book or magazine containing information about a product or service
tactics a strategic action or a method. It's usually used to accomplish some sort of bigger goal.
pediaatrician a doctor who specializes in treating children and adolescence