Lesson 13 "Office E-mail"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
*rub someone the wrong way anger or irritate someone  ←→the right way  cf. go against the grain
apologize express regret for something that one has done wrong
pick up on become aware of something
downright utter, complete
*brusque curt, terse, abrupt, offhand, cool in manner, blunt, outspoken
curt brusque, terse, rude, impolite
face-to-face eye-to-eye
*come off give a specified impression
*We've all been there. We all had the same experience.
cordial warm and friendly
innocuous not harmful or offensive
*cranky bad-tempered, cross, eccentric
*come (a)cross as give a specified impression as    cf. come across as a good listener
sarcastic scornful, mocking, jeering, ironic
boil over become so excited or tense as to lose control
patch 〜 up repair the damage to something, especially hastily
work things out solve something, plan something in detail
defuse reduce the danger or tension in a difficult situation
sign off conclude a letter
inhibit make someone unable to act in a relaxed and natural way
be miffed offended or irritated
disrupt disturb or interrupt
damage cf. do (cause) damage to    × give damage on [to]
*junk mail unsolicited advertising material received by mail
zap destroy uttely or obliterate
haunt be persisitently present in the mind
LOL laughing out loud or lots of laughs
*a Smiley an emoticon showing a smiling face
emoticon a representation of a facial expression used in e-mail to convey the writer's feelings
a stomachache a pain in the abdomen
frantic panic-striken, at one's wit's end, worried or distraught with fear, anxiety
viable capable of surviving or living successfully
sever divide by cutting, put an end to
queasy slightly nervous or worried
plunder forcebly steal goods from, especially in time of war or civil disorder
e-mail e-mail →countable noun      cf. mail→uncountable noun