Lesson 12 "Flying on Business"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
catch some sleep get forty winks, take a cat nap, get a bit of sleep
Word had it that… Rumor had it that…, I hear that…,
a drop in the bucket a very small amount compared with what is needed or expected
paper-thin extremely thin       cf. paper-thin beef
lure tempt to do something
carrier a company that undertakes the professional conveyance of goods or people
revenue income, profits, returns
dirt cheap extremely cheap
hardened tough     cf. hardened arteries, hardened expression
fare passenger
cement strengthen, bind together
on the flip side on the other hand
look to rely on, expect
plunge fall or move suddenly and uncontrollably
dot the i's and cross the t's ensure that all details are correct   cf. mind your p's and q's
canny clever, shrewd, savvy
domestic of relating to a home or family affairs
wary cautious about possible dangers or problems
snap up quickly secure something that is in short supply
burgeon grow or increase rapidly
economy class coach
grit clench ( the teeth ), especially in order to keep one's resolve
half measure an inadequate action or policy
last-minute check final check, confirmation
altogether completely, totally, on the whole
marshal an official responsible for supervising public events, especially sports or parades
It is a television commercial which promotes a product in an informative and suposedly
objective style. It is a blend of information and commercial.
penny It is the smallest monetary denomination in the U.K., Canada, the U.S. and some other
countries using the pound or dollar. It is equivalent of one cent in countries using the