Lesson 11 "Telecommuting"
Expressions Paraphrasing or Synonym
*commute travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis
*freelance self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignment
*be worn out be dead tired, be bushed, be dead beat
eat up to use, consume, waste
*jam-packed extremely crowded, cramed, stuffed@@@cf. packed like sardines
doze off to fall into light sleep, nod off, snooze, nap
not unusual not surprising
alleviate to ease, lessen, diminish
*carpooler a group of people getting together to ride to work
*toll a charge payable to use a bridge or road, a charge for a long-distance call
disperse to break up, spread out, scatter
wannabe (want to be) a person who tries to be like someone else
*not without complications complicated
workforce the people engaged in or available for work in a particular firm or industry
incentive a thing that motivates or encourage someone to do something
appeal the quality of being attractive or interesting
cut back cut down, curtail, reduce
seamless synonym- smooth
critical having a decisive importance in the success or failure of something
centralize antonym- decentralize
*face-to-face close together and looking directly at one another
supervise observe and direct the execution of a task
visible able to be seen or noticeable
go the way of the dinosaurs become distinct or extinct or obsolete, gradually disappearing
out of sight, out of mind cf. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
pick up the tab treat, shout, foot the bill
tab a restaurant bill
go the extra mile to show perseverance in one's attempt to achieve something
the man is in high demand the man is sought after, the man is very popular
niche a specialized but profitable corner of the market
specialist generalist
network to interact with others to exchange information and develop useful contacts
*unique being only one of its kind, unlike anything else, having no equal
*stand out to be easily noticeable, be clearly better