Lesson 10 "Mall Malaise"
Expressions Paraphrasing or Synonym
malaise general feeling of discomfort, illness or unease
tempting enticing, appealing
to my dismay to my disappointment
imminent about to happen, impending
plague epidemic illness
*pinch pennies being careful about spending, being frugal, thrifty, miser,
Scrooge(from the name of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly curmudgeon in A Christmas Carol)
Minneapolis and St.Paul
Los Angeles 
Washington D.C.
Twin Cities
Beantown ( Boston baked beans→a kind of candy)
Motown  (Motor City)
the Windy City
the Mile-High City
Tinseltown (tinsel=superficial attractiveness or glamour, spangle)
the City of Angels         
the Emerald City       
plummet to drop straight down at high speed, decrease rapidly in value or amount
*shopaholic someone who is addicted to shopping
*tighten one's purse strings to be pinchpenny, be frugal, tighten one's belt
haggle to bargain persistently for a lower price
*What is the bottom line? What is the main point?
set foot outside to go out
*markdown reduction in price
resort to to adopt a strategy so as to resolve a difficult situation
bottom line final result of something, final profit after all the expenses
frenzy a state or period of uncontrolled excitement
*make out like a bandit make more money than one should have
*bandit a thief, a robber
skinny unattractively thin
mom-and-pop store a small shop run by married couple or family members, dime store
*one-armed bandit slot machine
*It was a steal. getting a big discount / saving a lot of money
*high-end upscale, the latest technology
*whopping extremely large
dire extremely serious or urgent, dismal, appalling, atrocious, grim
*straits a situation characterized by a specific degree of trouble or difficulty
*fork out to pay money for something especially reluctantly
*bargain a thing bought for a lower price than normal
*tighten to make stricter  ←→loosen, ease
forestall prevent or obstruct (something anticipated) by taking advance action
e.g. You could use this special cream if you want to forestall the aging process.
mayhem violent disorder, chaos, random violence, pandemonium
*concealed hidden
sentry a soldier stationed to keep guard
quasi- seemingly, half    e.g. quasi-cholera
compound to make something worse, make up
spree orgy, splurge   e.g. a buying spree, go on a spree
potential latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future usefulness
alert quick to notice and respond to potential danger or problems