Lesson 1 "Headhunter's Call"
Words & Phrases Paraphrasing
an executive recruiter a headhunter
*at one's convenience when or where it suits one
  cf. at one's earliest convenience=as soon as one can without difficulty
colleague co-worker, associate
qualified certificated, competent
*high-caliber best, top-notch
  caliber =1.quality of charater or level of ability  2.the internal diameter of a gun barrel
a tall order something that is a challenge or difficult
   cf. a tall tale = an unbelievable story
cross my mind come to my mind
*mixed feelings both negative and positive feelings
I must admit to be honest with you, I feel I need to tell you, I must confess
NY Gotham City, Big Apple
*cast a pall over cast a shadow, change the atmosphere to something that is sad or gloomy
bounce back recover well after a setback or problem
at an all-time low at its lowest point
downsize make smaller, (of a company) shed staff
ghastly causing great horror or fear
credentials qualification, achievement, etc., especially when used to indicate suitability
*typo a typographical error, literal
for starters to begin with, ( starters = appetizer )
header a line or block of text appearing at the top of each page of a book or document
*proofread read and mark any errors
do something up fasten, wrap, or arrange something
fall into place begin to make sense
nutritionist dietician [ dietitian ]
boldface a typeface with thick strokes
equivocal unclear in meaning or intention, ambiguous
tentative 1. provisional, experimental  2. hesitant, cautious
beverage a drink other than water ( coffee, tea, beer, milk, etc. )
*spell something out explain something simply and in detail
commitment a pledge or undertaking
mull over think about at length