January 2022 page 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Japanese drum (taiko) lessons are given Sundays from 19:00 to 21:00 at Matsuri-ya Tauchi. The shop is located on the corner just south of
the Teppocho streetcar station. Teppocho 1-8. Tel. 089-925-3591, email: tauti@jasmine.ocn.ne.jp
MIC Japanese Classes
Online Japanese language classes are offered for free by the Matsuyama International Center.
We offer child care for children over one year old, but you need to request it in advance.
Please check with MIC before you go to class. If no one has signed up the class will be closed.
INFO: MIC 943-2025
e-mail: mail@mic.ehime.jp
Afternoon classes: Through - Feb. 24
*Please come 10 minutes before starting time.
Beginner I Tuesdays 13:00-14:30
Beginner II Thursdays 13:00-14:30
Beginner III Thursdays 14:45 - 16:15
Place: COMs (6-4-20 Sanbancho, Matsuyama)
Health measures for all classes:
Your temperature will be checked.
Please wear a mask.
Sanitize your hands when you enter the room.
Refrain from coming if you have cold symptoms.
If you have been to an area where the virus is spreading within 2 weeks before the class, please do not come to class.
Ehime JASL
A study group, Japanese as a Second Language, offers private lessons
to those interested in learning Japanese. 45-minute lesson is 500
yen and 90-min. is 1000 yen.
INFO:Ms. Yuriko kida Tel. 090-4500-5588
E-mail: Yuriko.kida@ymail.plala.or.jp
Bancho Fukushi Center Japanese Classes
Japanese language classes are held 13:30~15:00 at the Bancho Fukushi Center on Fridays.
Levels: Beginning and intermediate classes, and a class for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Fee: 300yen/ term (Jan.-June or July-Dec.)
INFO: Ms. Shioiri TEL 089-946-0885
E-mail: Shaico@tea.ocn.ne.jp
Nihongo Chounaikai
Hello! We are Nihongo Chounaikai. We hold regular gatherings for both Japanese and non-Japanese people to communicate and share information.
Please check our Facebook page for information about January events.
Email:n.chounaikai@gmail.com (Ayumi MIYATA)
Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT)
JALT holds meetings in English on a wide range of topics related to language teaching.
Rhetoric in Haiku
Dr. Susumu Kubo, Matsuyama University
It is common knowledge that a haiku poem with 5-7-5 syllabic structure makes good use of rhetoric, including simile, metaphor, personification,
allegory, synecdoche, metonymy and allusion. This talk demonstrates how haiku poets intentionally or unintentionally use or exploit rhetoric in their haiku
to express what they experience in the real world whenever they believe that literal compositions of haiku without rhetoric are inadequate.
The mechanism of poetic acts of rhetoric will be explained with foregrounding and backgrounding in the theory of Regulation Augmented Speech Act Theory. This talk will help you understand how Japanese students verbalize the world around them in your teaching in Japan.
Date/Time: Jan. 9 (Sun.) 14:00-16:00
Place:M215 Aidai Muse, Ehime U. Johoku Campus
One-day members: 1,000yen, JALT members: free
Info: Junko Yamamoto 080-3920-5231
E-mail: matsuyamajaltpublicity@gmail.com
Wakakusa Japanese Classes
Ehime Nihongo Network offers classes to prepare for the Japanese Language Proficientcy Test
at Matsuyama-shi Sogo Fukushi Center from 13:30 to15:00 on Mondays.
Fee: N1 & N2 400yen/month
N3-N5 300yen/month
INFO: Tel. 089-946-0885 (Shioiri)
Video to help bridge cultural gaps
In order to give Ehime residents a perspective on the kinds of things that foreign residents may have difficulty with living here,
eight Ehime University international students and two Japanese students worked together to create a video.
There are six sections each dealing with issues that many foreign residents have encountered. The entire video is about ten minutes long.
Here is the English version on YouTube:
You can also search for it using Help Us Ehime.
Worship at the Fukuin Center
Jan. 1 13:00-14:45 New Year Service
Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23 9:00-10:45 Sunday Service
Jan. 19 10:00-12:00 Worship in English
Matsuyama Fukuin Center
Place: Heiwa-dori 1-6-6 Tel: 089-925-1008
You are most welcome to our church! Please visit our web site:
Catholic Mass
Mass in English is held on every Sundays from 15:00 at the Catholic Church in Sanbancho
located near Junkudo Bookstore (see City Center Map). May be cancelled due to the pandemic.
INFO Tel. 089-921-1849
Matsuyama Islamic Culture Center
Prayers are held 5 times every day and Islamic dakwah activities such as daily reading Hadist, weekly Qur'an Recitation for Adults (Usroh)
and weekly recitation for kids (Kids Program), also Halal meat, and a Islamic book library are available.
Address: 3-83-2 Shimizu-machi, Matsuyama
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/groups/matsuyamamicc
E-mail: matsuyamamuslim@gmail.com
Contact Person: Fadli Irsyad
Phone: 080-7836-6159
HIV tests are offered free of charge at two places in Matsuyama. Privacy is ensured. You are advised to take the test three months
after you think you might have been infected.
*See the WGO? Map.
*Matsuyama City Public Health Center
Kayamachi 6-30-5
Tel: 089-911-1815 Reservation requiered.
Monday 11:00-13:00 and once a month from 18:30 to 19:30
Results are available a week later. You must go and ask in person.
*Ehime-ken Chûyo Public Health Center
Kita Mochida 132 (north of Higashi Police Sta.)
Tel. 089-909-8757 (ext.261)
Wednesday 13:00-14:00 (Results may be available the same day.)
The Japan Legal Support Center, Houterasu, offers free legal information by phone in English, Chinese,
Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese and Tagalog, Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, but your call will be charged 8.5yen/3 minutes.
Tel : 0570-078377.
The Association of Foreign
Wives of the Japanese |
AFWJ aims to provide friendship, support and opportunities for social, emotional, educational
and professional growth to non-Japanese women who are married or engaged to Japanese men.
INFO: afwjshikoku-rep@afwj.org
Website: http://www.afwj.org
Civil Liberties Counseling |
Free paralegal counselling sessions for civil rights are sponsored by the District Legal Affairs Bureau and
the Ehime Prefectural International Center (EPIC).
All sessions will be strictly confidential.
Place : Ehime Prefecture International Center (EPIC)
Day/Time : 1:30-3:30 the 4th Thursday of each month. If you can
not come at that time, call EPIC at 089-917-5678 to make an appointment.
Language : Japanese, English (For help in another language,
contact EPIC by the 10th of the month)
The city library in the Community Center has a large English book
section. You can register for a free library card in English.
The 2nd floor Audio/Visual section has movies in English.
Open 9:30-20:00 (the A/V section closes at 17:00.)
Closed: Dec. 29-Jan. 4, Jan. 17, 24, 28 and 31.
INFO: 089-943-8008
All pay phones have a red button you can push which
allows you to dial 110 or 119 for free.
Goodwill Guides are volunteers who are ready to assist visitors from overseas. Please contact us if you need guides or translators.
We can provide guides who speak English, Spanish. French, Chinese and Korean.
INFO: http://ehimesgg.sakura.ne.jp/
Matsuyama Toastmasters Club |
Matsuyama Toastmasters Club is a non-profit, international organization for improving communication and leadership skills.
We pratice public speaking in English and Japanese. Visit us 3 times for free to see if Toastmasters is for you.
Jan. 9 (Sun.) 13:30-15:00. At COMs 4F
Jan. 22 (Sat.) 19:00-20:30
On Zoom: https://zoom.us/i/4156790322
This guesthouse offers capsule-style beds (Mix/Female) with security lockers and private Japanese-style rooms.
There is also a kitchen. Just google Cinnamon Guesthous Dogo for details. Address: 4-50 Dogo Yu-no-machi, Matsuyama
The Imaichi Sharehouse is a backpacker-style accommodation managed by the Matsuyama Youth Hostel. It is locaated behind Hime-gin Hall.
Check the website for details, just google Matsuyama Imaichi Sharehouse or call 089-933-6366 (Matsuyama Youth Hostel).
Located on the north end of the Ropeway Street above the taimeshi Motoyama restaurant. Rooms are suitable for short or long-term stay.
3-8-3 Okaido, Matsuyama Tel: 089-934-5296
E-mail: info@sophia-club.net
Yorisoi Helpline for Foreigners |
0120-279-338 10:00-22:00
Are you having trouble with your visa, nationality, family issues, work, everyday life, discrimination, domestic violence, confinement or human trafficking?
Call us. The service is available in English, Tagalog, Korean Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and Thai. Your privacy will be protected.
This is a model project of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Matsuyama City Disaster Prevention Portal Site |
What you can understand
Disaster situation
Opening status of evacuation shelters
Issuance status of evacuation information
Other notices from Matsuyama City regarding disasters.
Information required in the event of disaster appears on one page.
How to see
How to set multiple languages
1) Click following URL first
2) Click "Select Language" at the top right of the screen to select English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), or Chinese (Traditional).
Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
Have you got any questions about life in Japan?
"Japan Life Guide" app has a wealth of information for the benefit of foreign residents in Japan. English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, German, Russian, Japanese (with Japanese syllabaries/furigana) and Simple Japanese are available. You can use this app as an everyday guide as well as in times of disaster.
Japan Tourism Agency(JTA)
Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
JTA's app called "Safety tips" provides disaster information of Earthquake Early Warnings, Tsunami Warnings, Eruption Notices, Weather Warning in Japan.
This app is useful to not only visitors but also residents in Japan. English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Korean and Japanese are available.
Ehime Prefecture has created an app to provide information in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. It will launch automatically into one of the languages if you use it on your cell phone. This app will provide updates on what is happening here in Ehime pref. in the case a natural disaster.
The Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) has an app "Safety tips" with information of Earthquake Early Warnings, Tsunami Warnings, Eruption Notices, and Weather Warning in Japan. It is in English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Korean and Japanese.
The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations "Japan Life Guide" app has a information for foreign residents in Japan in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, German, Russian, Japanese (with Japanese syllabaries/furigana) and Simple Japanese are available. You can use this app as an everyday guide as well as in times of disaster.
Speech Translation App "Voice Tra"
VoiceTra is a speech translation app developed by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). The app translates your speech into different languages. With an easy-to-use interface, you can also check whether the translation is correct.
Free Legal Consultation Service |
Certified administrative procedures legal specialists (gyouseishoshi) are offering free consultation services to non-Japanese on various matters such as
residency, nationality, marriage, owning a vehicle, contracts, and setting up a business. Your privacy will be protected.
Date and Time: Jan. 19 (Wed.) Feb. 9 (Wed.) 13:30-15:30
Place: COMS 4F International Meeting Room
To make an appointment, please complete the consultation form which is available at the Matsuyama International Center.
For further information you can email the Center at mail@mic.ehime.jp or call 089-943-2025.
EPIC made Emergency Cards for the international residents to prepare for a natural disaster or emergency cases.
This card is written in 9 languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Burmese, and Khmer.
Instructions for what to do in case of fire,earthquake or tsunami are provided. There are also useful Japanese phrases for calling
a fire engine or an ambulance.
The Emergency Cards can be downloaded from the following web page of EPIC.
The Matsuyama International Center (MIC) sends information in English and easy Japanese about local and MIC events, Japanese language classes and more!
* To register, email to MIC at
Do you have Something for WGO? |
If you have an article or announcement, we will put it in for free as long
as it is of interest or benefit to the foreign community. We do not accept
advertising, but we will put in ads for moving sales and employment opportunities.
Send your article by the 3rd Wednesday of the month to WGO?
c/o MIC by fax089-931-2041 or e-mail it to: vergin@agr.ehime-u.ac.jp
© The Volunteer Guide Class of the Matsuyama International Center
Matsuyama International Center |