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Oral Presentation

List of Oral Presentations about Science Education ( in English only )

"An Introduction to Anti-Essentialism or Relationism"
Kawasaki, K. (2013)
Educational Trends and Issues: A Lecture . Forum with International Experts (at the University of the Immaculate Conception, Davao City, Philippines on 2 May).
"Comparatist Mind for a Sustainable World"
Kawasaki, K. (2013)
As A Keynote Speech at The International Association of Multidisciplinary Research (IAMURE), The World Research Festival 2013 (at the Marco Polo Hotel, Davao City, Philippines on 1 May).
Nakajo, M. and Kawasaki, K. (2012)
The 7th International Conference on Science Mathematics and Technology Education (at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 6 November, 2012.)
Kawasaki, K. (2012)
The 7th International Conference on Science Mathematics and Technology Education (at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 5 November, 2012.)
Taylor, P. C., Kawasaki, K., de Afonso Nhalevilo, E. Z., Cupane, A., Otsuji, H. & Mclaughlin, M. (2012)
The 7th International Conference on Science Mathematics and Technology Education (at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 4 November, 2012.)
"Metacognition That Pupils Realize Their Changes in Thought,"
NAKAJO, M. and KAWASAKI, K. (2011)
International Conference 2011 Held by East-Asian Association for Science Education, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea.
"From What Should We Learn?"
KAWASAKI, K. (2010)
The International Conference on Higher Education, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Philippines, 27 April-1 May.
"Considerations Supplementary to Science Teaching in World-View-Oriented science Education,"
KAWASAKI, K. (2008)
IOSTE XIII Symposium Ku.adasi, Turkey, 21-26 September.
"Language-Culture Origin Understanding of Science in Japan: Japanese Prospective Science teachers’ View of Science,"
SUMIDA, M. and KAWASAKI, K. (2008).
IOSTE XIII Symposium Ku.adasi, Turkey, 21-26 September.
How to Counteract Distorting Effects of the Instructional Language on Science Education in Non-Western Nation-States
KAWASAKI, K. (2007)
ICASE 2007 (8-12 July), Sheraton Perth Hotel and Mercedes College, Perth, Western Australia.
A Way of Cultivating Pupils’ Metacognition in Forming Subject-Conscious Mind Based on Anti-Essentialism
KAWASAKI, K. and NAKAJO, M. (2007)
12th Annual International Conference Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (21-23 May), Brunei Darussalam.
Incommensurable but Explicable.
KAWASAKI, K. (2006)
11th Annual International Conference Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (22-25 May), Brunei Darussalam.
Toward Restoration of Subjectivity in Science Education---How to Resolve Language-Culture Incommensurability.
KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
Science and Mathematics Education Centre Seminar (28 November) Science and Mathematics Education Centre Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.
Southeast Asian and Japanese Cultural Influences on the Understanding of Scientific Concepts For Science Educators, Scholars and Researchers
KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
Toward Restoration of Subjectivity in Science Education. As a keynote speaker and consultant in Conference-Workshop:
(3-5 October) SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang, Malaysia.
Anti-essentialism for Equitable Treatment of Scientific and Indigenous Worldviews in Science Education.
KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2005--- (July 7)Novotel Tainui Hamilton Hotel, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Science Teachers’ Responsibility in Addition to Science Teaching in Japan.
KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
The 47th Conference of the Korea Association for Research in Science Education, 18-19 February, Seoul National University, Seoul KOREA.
Science/Mathematics Education in the Language-Culture milieu without the Dichotomy between the Worlds of Phenomena and Ideas,
KAWASAKI, K. (2004)
The Conference on "The role of indigenous knowledge in schools: Science and Mathematics in Pacific Islands and Pacific Rim Nations"(October 14-17), College of Education, University of Hawaii-Manoa.
A Language-Culture Origin Understanding of Science in Japan.
SUMIDA M. and KAWASAKI, K. (2003)
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2003--- (July 11), Rydges Carlton Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
A Term Characterizing Japanese Course of Study for Science.
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2003--- (July 11), Rydges.
A Structural Linguistic Analysis of Science Education: Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings,
KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by Dr. Glen Aikenhead (October 15), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
A Structural Linguistic Analysis of Science Education: Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings,
KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by Dr. Eva Krugly-Smolska (October 11), Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Confusing in the Conception "Reality,"
KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2002--- (July 12), Southbank Hotel and Convention Centre, Twonsville, Queensland, Australia.
Confusing in the Conception "Reality,"
KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by Mr. Atchana Mohanarao, Physics Matriculation Lecturer (June 19), Asian Institute of Medicine, Science & Technology, Kedah, Malaysia.
Confusing in the Conception "Reality,"
KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by The Panel of Physics Teachers for the District of Kuala/Yan (June 19), Sultan Mohamad Jiwa Science Secondary School, Kedah, Malaysia.
How to Conceptualize "Culture,"
KAWASAKI, K. (2001)
Seminar organized by Drs. Aikenhead and Ogawa for the International Joint Research on "Culture, Language and Gender Sensitive to Science Education Teacher Training Program ---CLAGS STEP---"(October 3), Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
Linguistic Mode of Science Education,
KAWASAKI, K. (2000)
Seminar organized by Emeritus Professor von Glasersfeld (October 5), Scientific Reasoning Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Linguistic Mode of Science Education,
KAWASAKI, K. (2000)
Seminar organized by Dr. Ogawa for the International Joint Research on "Culture, Language and Gender Sensitive to Science Education Teacher Training Programme ---CLAGS STEP---"(October 22), Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
Science Education as Foreign Language Education,
KAWASAKI, K. (1996)
Seminar organized by Dr. Sok Khim Tan (August 12), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.

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