List of Oral Presentations about Science Education ( in English only )
- "An Introduction to Anti-Essentialism or Relationism"
- Kawasaki, K. (2013)
Educational Trends and Issues: A Lecture . Forum with International Experts
(at the University of the Immaculate Conception, Davao City, Philippines
on 2 May).
- "Comparatist Mind for a Sustainable World"
- Kawasaki, K. (2013)
As A Keynote Speech at The International Association of Multidisciplinary Research (IAMURE), The World Research Festival 2013 (at the Marco Polo Hotel, Davao City, Philippines on 1 May).
- Nakajo, M. and Kawasaki, K. (2012)
The 7th International Conference on Science Mathematics and Technology Education (at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 6 November, 2012.)
- Kawasaki, K. (2012)
The 7th International Conference on Science Mathematics and Technology Education (at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 5 November, 2012.)
- Taylor, P. C., Kawasaki, K., de Afonso Nhalevilo, E. Z., Cupane, A., Otsuji, H. & Mclaughlin, M. (2012)
The 7th International Conference on Science Mathematics and Technology Education (at the Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 4 November, 2012.)
- "Metacognition That Pupils Realize Their Changes in Thought,"
- NAKAJO, M. and KAWASAKI, K. (2011)
International Conference 2011 Held by East-Asian Association for Science Education, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea.
- "From What Should We Learn?"
- KAWASAKI, K. (2010)
The International Conference on Higher Education, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Philippines, 27 April-1 May.
- "Considerations Supplementary to Science Teaching in World-View-Oriented science Education,"
- KAWASAKI, K. (2008)
IOSTE XIII Symposium Ku.adasi, Turkey, 21-26 September.
- "Language-Culture Origin Understanding of Science in Japan: Japanese Prospective Science teachers’ View of Science,"
- SUMIDA, M. and KAWASAKI, K. (2008).
IOSTE XIII Symposium Ku.adasi, Turkey, 21-26 September.
- How to Counteract Distorting Effects of the Instructional Language on Science Education in Non-Western Nation-States
- KAWASAKI, K. (2007)
ICASE 2007 (8-12 July), Sheraton Perth Hotel and Mercedes College, Perth, Western Australia.
- A Way of Cultivating Pupils’ Metacognition in Forming Subject-Conscious Mind Based on Anti-Essentialism
- KAWASAKI, K. and NAKAJO, M. (2007)
12th Annual International Conference Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (21-23 May), Brunei Darussalam.
- Incommensurable but Explicable.
- KAWASAKI, K. (2006)
11th Annual International Conference Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (22-25 May), Brunei Darussalam.
- Toward Restoration of Subjectivity in Science Education---How to Resolve Language-Culture Incommensurability.
- KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
Science and Mathematics Education Centre Seminar (28 November) Science and Mathematics Education Centre Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.
- Southeast Asian and Japanese Cultural Influences on the Understanding of Scientific Concepts For Science Educators, Scholars and Researchers
- KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
Toward Restoration of Subjectivity in Science Education. As a keynote speaker and consultant in Conference-Workshop:
(3-5 October) SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang, Malaysia.
- Anti-essentialism for Equitable Treatment of Scientific and Indigenous Worldviews in Science Education.
- KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2005--- (July 7)Novotel Tainui Hamilton Hotel, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Science Teachers’ Responsibility in Addition to Science Teaching in Japan.
- KAWASAKI, K. (2005)
The 47th Conference of the Korea Association for Research in Science Education, 18-19 February, Seoul National University, Seoul KOREA.
- Science/Mathematics Education in the Language-Culture milieu without the Dichotomy between the Worlds of Phenomena and Ideas,
- KAWASAKI, K. (2004)
The Conference on "The role of indigenous knowledge in schools: Science and Mathematics in Pacific Islands and Pacific Rim Nations"(October 14-17), College of Education, University of Hawaii-Manoa.
- A Language-Culture Origin Understanding of Science in Japan.
- SUMIDA M. and KAWASAKI, K. (2003)
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2003--- (July 11), Rydges Carlton Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- A Term Characterizing Japanese Course of Study for Science.
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2003--- (July 11), Rydges.
- A Structural Linguistic Analysis of Science Education: Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings,
- KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by Dr. Glen Aikenhead (October 15), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- A Structural Linguistic Analysis of Science Education: Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings,
- KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by Dr. Eva Krugly-Smolska (October 11), Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- Confusing in the Conception "Reality,"
- KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Australian Science Education Research Association LTD ---ASERA2002--- (July 12), Southbank Hotel and Convention Centre, Twonsville, Queensland, Australia.
- Confusing in the Conception "Reality,"
- KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by Mr. Atchana Mohanarao, Physics Matriculation Lecturer
(June 19), Asian Institute of Medicine, Science & Technology, Kedah,
- Confusing in the Conception "Reality,"
- KAWASAKI, K. (2002)
Seminar organized by The Panel of Physics Teachers for the District of Kuala/Yan (June 19), Sultan Mohamad Jiwa Science Secondary School, Kedah, Malaysia.
- How to Conceptualize "Culture,"
- KAWASAKI, K. (2001)
Seminar organized by Drs. Aikenhead and Ogawa for the International Joint Research on "Culture, Language and Gender Sensitive to Science Education Teacher Training Program ---CLAGS STEP---"(October 3), Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Linguistic Mode of Science Education,
- KAWASAKI, K. (2000)
Seminar organized by Emeritus Professor von Glasersfeld (October 5), Scientific Reasoning Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
- Linguistic Mode of Science Education,
- KAWASAKI, K. (2000)
Seminar organized by Dr. Ogawa for the International Joint Research on "Culture, Language and Gender Sensitive to Science Education Teacher Training Programme ---CLAGS STEP---"(October 22), Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
- Science Education as Foreign Language Education,
- KAWASAKI, K. (1996)
Seminar organized by Dr. Sok Khim Tan (August 12), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
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