Lesson2 Multitasking
make a laughingstock
snarling to speak or say something in a nasty angry way
milk (v.) to get all the money or advantages that you can from a situation, person, or thing
hiring freeze
inherent in
multitasking the practice of doing different types of work at your job at the same time
able to use either hand with eual skill for writing, playing sports
cf. ambi(両方)+dextrous(右利きの)=両方の手を右利きであるように使える→器用な
inadvertently without intending to do something
a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity

embrace to eagerly accept new ideas, opinions, religions
buy into
home in on to aim exactly at something and move directly toward it
ghastly extremely bad, shocking, or uspsetting
neuro- relating to the nerves
a type of cell that makes up the nervous system and that sends messages to muscles and other parts of the body, and sends messages in the brain about feelings, sights, smells
have 人 on a leash to be able to control someone
the space between two nerve cells in you body, across which information travels to make muscles, glands(リンパ腺) work
ill-advised not sensible or not wise and likely to cause problems in the futrure
contend with to have to deal with something difficult or bad
train of thought a related series of thoughts developing in your mind
out of whack not working together correctly

to praise something or someone in order to persuade people that they are important or valuable
to try to persuade people to buy goods or services you are offering
in the know having more information about something than most people